Doing some research for my youth culture class, I came across these statistics on youth in Mexico City. I left them in Spanish and translated them into English so I could use them in class, too.
¿Sabias que…
Did you know…
…en la Ciudad de Mexico habitan 2 millones 380 mil 815 jovenes de entre 14 y 29 anios de edad…
…In Mexico City, there are 2,380,815 young people between 14 and 29 years old…
…51% son mujeres y el 49% restante son hombres…
…51% are women, and 49% are men…
…las y los jovenes representan el 27% de la poblacion del Distrito Federal.
…young people represent 27% of the population of the Federal District.
36% solo estudia, 32% solo trabaja
36% only study, 32% only work
22% estudia y trabaja.
22% study and work
51% cuenta con servicio de salud.
51% have some social health service
63% fuma y 56% consume bebidas alcoholicas.
63% smoke and 56% consume alcoholic beverages
62% ha tenido relaciones sexuales.
62% have had sexual relations.
96% conoce algun metodo anticonceptivo y 69% lo utiliza.
96% know about contraceptives, and 69% use them
95% conoce las Infecciones de Transmision Sexual
95% know about Sexually Transmitted Diseases
44% tiene principalmente amigos de la escuela
44% have mostly friends from school
51% se divierte fuera del hogar asistiendo al cine.
51% have fun outside of home by going to the movies.
86% considera que hay violencia en las familias mexicanas
86% consider that there is violence in Mexican families.
62% senala que en su familia no hay o no ha habido violencia.
62% say that in their families there isn’t or hasn’t been any violence.
46% participa en alguna organizacion deportiva, estudiantil, cultural, artistica y/o religiosa, principalmente.
46% participate in some sports, student, culture, artistic or religious organization.
81% consideran que las drogas y el alcohol son el principal problema de los jovenes y 33% consideran que es la falta de trabajo.
81% consider that drugs and alcohol is the major problem facing young people, and 33% consider that it is lack of work.
Datos de la Encuesta Nacional de la Juventud 2005, correspondiente al Distrito Federal, elaborada en colaboracion con la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico y el Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud.
These statistics are from the National Youth Survey from 2005, corresponding to the Federal District, and were conducted with the help of the National University and the Mexican Institute of Youth.