Not too long ago, I heard the story of a young man who felt worthless. He felt that everything he did was ending in failure. He couldn’t see how he could get out of the despair he felt because of the bad things that were happening in his life. I’m sure he’s not the only one.
Not too long ago, I went to the funeral of a 22 year old young man who had taken his own life after battling with depression and struggling to find worth.
Not too long ago, it came to my attention that many students I know have battled with depression despite living in families that are overwhelmingly positive on the outside.
HOWEVER… (and that’s a big however)
Not too long ago, the God of the universe created you in His image.
Not too long ago, the God of the universe showed His love for you by sending His Son Jesus to die for you.
Not too long ago, the God of the universe tells us that you are valuable. You have been bought with a price!
This is the way the Pastor Josh Laxton said it one time in a sermon about the woman at the well. Take some time to watch it, and never, ever forget it.