I spent last week in Nigeria along with 24 new youth ministry students at the Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary. I was teaching “Understanding Youth Culture,” one of the courses in the first block of twelve classes these students will receive from YMI in order to think more strategically about reaching the next generation and train others in youth ministry.

The trip was eventful and new for me, my first time in Africa. The Nigerian Baptist Theological Seminary belongs to the Nigerian Baptist Convention, which has 4 million members and 6 million attendees. The Convention has 13 schools, but before now there was no youth ministry training programs in any of the schools.
Upon graduation, these 24 students will begin teaching youth ministry at the Bachelor and Master degree level in 3 seminaries and 10 Bible colleges within the Nigerian Baptist Convention. One of the students is from Ghana, and I had many conversations with him while I was there about how he might begin training in his country.

It was a blessing to be in Nigeria, at NBTS, and to know the students. I wish you could meet each one of them and see what they are already doing in youth ministry. I have many stories about the class that I hope to share here with you in the future.
In the meantime, please keep praying for Youth Ministry International’s ministry in Africa. We currently have a ministries operating in Kenya, Tanzania, and Nigeria. There are opportunities in Uganda, Ethiopia, and Ghana. God is doing something in youth ministry on the continent of Africa, and YMI is blessed to be a part of it.