I’ve been playing around a little with ustream.tv, and I think that for our context, this may have huge implications.
As you know, we’ve been thinking about starting an informal youth ministry training program, which would consist of classes on Saturday mornings. The program would last about a year, and it would involve basic youth ministry principles that we teach at the seminary. I’ve been thinking about offering the classes in 3 different ways: Live in person, online downloads, or distance (with CDs and DVDs).
Now, we may have the option of doing it live online. With Ustream, you can broadcast live video online (it’s really easy to use). Your video also has a little chat box, where people could ask questions and you could interact with them. I’m just playing around with some ideas, but I think it could be a good use of technology for classes, conferences, workshops, etc.
That doesn’t even include the personal uses such as broadcasting birthday parties, etc, for the family.
Sounds like a great idea… unless you’re doing the training in Spanish, in which case, not so much because that would be pointless for me. 😉