I believe that God gave us all individual talents and abilities and that all of those talents and abilities can be used to further His mission of making a people for Himself. God has placed interests in each one of us, and if we choose to use those interests to bring people closer to Jesus, we will be fulfilling our purpose on earth.
And it doesn’t just have to be a ministry that is recognized at church. I’m talking about skateboarding, baking, playing sports, making videos, creating content, painting, and all sorts of other things.
Here’s a summary of the sermon I preached about this topic. It’s based off of the fact that God gave Bezalel (Exodus 31) the spirit of God and different abilities to create and build the tabernacle, which was God’s way of communicating and being with His people in the Old Testament. Bezalel had a great job to do, and he did it according to the abilities that God had given him.
What if we all used our abilities in the way that Bezalel did? What if we saw the things we are gifted in as a way to help others move closer to God? Things would be radically different.