Ingvar Kamprad is the founder of IKEA, the furniture store. I was recently looking at an infograph comparing him and Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, and I came across this quote from him, “You can do so much in 10 minutes time. Ten minutes, once gone, are gone for good. Divide your life into 10-minute units and sacrifice as few of them as possible in meaningless activity.”
That is pretty good advice. It reminds me of Psalm 90:12, which says, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”
What are some things that are meaningful that you can do in 10 minutes? How many of those 10 minute increments do you spend in meaningless activity? I wonder how many of those 10 minute increments I spend in meaningless activity. I sure don’t want to waste my life 10 minutes at a time.