Every student has to work somewhere in ministry during their time here at the seminary. It’s a requirement of the seminary. I have a few thoughts on this:
Most students work at their Christian service place out of the city. Why is this? Wouldn’t it make a lot more sense for them to work closer to the seminary so that they could actually work during the week and didn’t have to travel so far every weekend only to minister for two or three days?
Most students work in their Christian service place as a “job.” They get paid. They do it to get paid. If they are offered a better “job” with better “pay” then they will most likely take it. It is not seen as a learning experience. It is a job.
Most students work as the main person in their Christian service. Most are the pastor of the church. There is very little directed education in our Christian Service program. They learn, all right; but at what expense? By the way, how can you pastor a church that is 2 or 3 hours from where you live when you only go to that town 2 or 3 days a week?