It never fails, seven weeks from now, seminary students will be coming to me, saying that they just can’t continue their studies. They will be tired. They will be discouraged. They will be ready to quit. They will be weary and will have lost heart. Many times I feel the same way. I feel like I just can’t continue.

This morning, I challenged the student body to do the three things that are mentioned in Hebrews 12:1-3 in order to not be weary and to not lose heart. Here they are:

  1. Remember those who have gone before (vs 1). There are many people praying for us. There are many people who are our biggest fans. There are many people who want us to succeed. Sometimes it’s nice to remember that.
  2. Throw off everything that hinders AND the sin that entangles us (vs 1). It is not always sin that hinders us. There are many things that are good that hinder us. We must not let the good get in the way of the very best.
  3. Run the race (vs 1-3). We are to run the race with perseverance. We are to run the race with our eyes fixed on Jesus. We are to run the race considering His sufferings. He will perfect our faith (Philippians 1:6).

I hope that in a few weeks, in the middle of the crisis of seminary work and pressure, the students will remember these thoughts so that the future will be changed.