This is one of the best videos I’ve seen of Mexico City. I love this city. I know that God loves it, too. I am praying to find people who will also love this city and help share God’s love with the more than 25 million people who live there. Want to be part of it? Contact us.
This is one of the best videos I’ve seen of Mexico City. I love this city. I know that God loves it, too. I am praying to find people who will also love this city and help share God’s love with the more than 25 million people who live there. Want to be part of it? Contact us.
Que gusto me dio al conocerle en CIU/Lausanne III — y descubrir que hay otro Alumni en el Gran Mango. Desde 1986 me converti en Chilango por llamado de Dios y por amor a Mexico. Muchas gracias por el video tan chido de nuestra ciudad. Si puedo auxiliarles en algo, favor de no demorarse en llamarme — porque en Mexico todos tienen que saber que Jesucristo es Dios y El es Rey! 5975 4568.