Have you ever thought much about the Magi? They were some pretty interesting characters in the Biblical account of the birth of Christ.
If Herod was really as disturbed as it seems according to Matthew 2, they must have caused quite a stir.
Although traditionally we talk of three wise men, there were probably more. They could have been part of a giant caravan of people traveling through Jerusalem, chasing a strange star. If you have ever taken a group of teenagers on a road trip, you know how much of a hassle it can be to travel in a large group.
Imagine how the palace guard treated this caravan. They probably didn’t receive them with the warm cookies and milk. The Magi might have been lucky to escape with their lives. You just don’t go around asking for the “new” king without causing problems in the current king’s regime.
But these guys had their eyes open and were in tune with God. Herod didn’t have a clue that Jesus had been born until these strangers told him. The Magi, however, had taken the risk to meet the new King. They had ventured into a far away land so they could get a glimpse of what God was doing through the Messiah. And it all happened because they were paying attention to God.
You and I need to have our eyes open and our ears in tune with what God is doing. I don’t want someone showing up on my doorstep because they have seen Him working and I missed it. I want to be paying attention when He is doing something in this world.