If you’re interested in the parable I wrote to preach on the journey towards spiritual maturity in church last week, post a comment and I’ll send you the file. There’s a lot that could be included in it, but it basically outlines 5 steps that a young man takes to become a fully devoted knight of the King.
- Responds to the invitation of the King
- Draws close to the fellowship of the knights
- Learns from the writings of the King
- Loves the people like the King loves them
- Accepts the challenge to be fully devoted
I preached it in Spanish, so the steps were alliterative, but I haven’t had much time to work on it English, yet. I spent the major part of the time telling the story, and then I asked the listeners where they were in the story. The purpose of a good story is to connect your life with the events of the story. That was my goal with this parable. Anyway, I had said I would post about it, so there it is.
Sure, I’m interested….send it!
I’m always looking for great illustrations, please send this one my way when you get the chance!