“Just wait until your father gets home.” I can’t tell you how many times I heard that phrase as a kid. There are only really two options for kids when a father returns either from work or from a long trip: A prize or a punishment.
Today I preached in chapel at the Seminary about 1 Peter 5:1-4. My basic premise was that the “chief Shepherd” is coming back and will as us to give an account of the ministry that we have done with His flock, so we should be busy doing what we need to be doing as leaders.
Here were the main points:
3 Requests of the Elder in 1 Peter 5
- Remember the work that has been given to you – “shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight”
- Review your motives – “not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly;”
- Revolutionize your leadership – “not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.”
These three requests were made by Peter to the elders, and I think they can be beneficial to church leaders now.
Leaders must remember…
…that the flock that is among us is God’s flock, not our own.
…that our ministry is voluntary, not obligatory. Nobody is forcing us to lead the church.
…that God would not have us selfishly gain from our leadership positions.
…that our example to those under our care should always be one of service.
If we can do these things, the Chief Shepherd will one day return, ask us how we did, and give us the prize that corresponds to our service for Him. The alternative is that he returns and is not too happy with our service. I want the prize.
I’ll probably upload my presentation (in Spanish) to www.ministeriojuvenil.com sometime this week.
Wow, I never thought about it this way. Sure we know that once our Father wants us to account for what we have done that we want to make sure that we are in his will but thinking that we are “waiting for our Father to come home” is indeed prize or punishment. I will never forget wanting to always be on dads good side, why not want to have the same thought process with our heavenly father?