We were outnumbered in our house yesterday by Mexicans because we invited some friends over to share the festivities with us.
The youth pastor of our church and his family were there. A music professor from the seminary and their family was there. Jon and Nicolle, the interns from Huntington who are here until December, were there.
It was a great Thanksgiving. It’s always fun to share family traditions with spiritual family. Since we’re far away from “home”, we enjoy trying to create the same atmosphere here as if we were in Florida. I think we achieved that yesterday.
Of course, the honored guest was the turkey (imported from the country of Chile). Janell did a wonderful job cooking everything, and we all had that too full and tired to move feeling at the end of the day while watching the football games.
The kids had a great time, too, although the house took a beating because of it. There were toys everywhere. Luckily, we stayed on top of cleaning up, so the evening wasn’t too terribly full of washing dishes.
I am thankful that we can have this tradition even living here in Mexico. I love sharing something that is 100% American with people from another culture. It’s pretty fun for everyone…except the turkey.
I love your posts! You are a good writer
Thanks, Jon. You must be bored and ready to leave Mexico if you’re reading my blog.