Last week we had our friends Chris and Hannah Bond in town to research costs of living and other things that they need to know as they prepare to move to Mexico to join our team. We are excited for them and are praying that God will open doors for them in extraordinary ways so that they can be on the mission field soon.
The plan is that they will spend a few years in Mexico while learning Spanish and helping us with the ministry here. Then they move to Central America to open a new field for Youth Ministry International in Central America. Since our job is to oversee all of Latin America, the new addition of Chris and Hannah is really important to our overall vision.
During their visit, Chris and Hannah helped us dream about a vision for the next 15 years of ministry in Latin America. As we dreamed and planned and prayed, it became obvious how important the right team is going to be to accomplish all that we believe God has for this part of the world.
We are excited to have Chris and Hannah on board with us, and we are praying for them as they live in New York and raise funds in order to get to the field.