Here is the video I shot of my quick trip to Honduras. I’ll put up my final thoughts on the trip a little later.
Many of the clips are from central park in Tegucigalpa. There are also some clips from our trip to the pewter factory.
Check out the large video at Mexico Movies.
We got to the airport today with plenty of time for our flight to Guatemala City, and the line was almost out the door at the airport. It turns out that they were canceling the flight to Guatemala, and they re-routed us through El Salvador. We had to run to the gate, and barely made it on the flight.
When we arrived in Mexico City, we waited in line for an hour in immigration. But, despite the travel problems, we are home. It feels good to be home.
I’m glad I went on the trip. I had a good meeting with a key pastor, and now I know a little more about the country of Honduras. So, anyone out there interested in training youth workers in Honduras? Maybe you could be part of our team in Latin America.
After I spent the morning in downtown and central park in Tegucigalpa, we went to a pewter store to buy souvenirs. The owners are friends with my friend, so they gave us a tour of the factory, too.
Pewter is pretty interesting stuff. The steps they take to make pewter decorations are very interesting. We saw the guys making the molds for the pewter pieces, heating up the metal to make the pewter, and cleaning the pieces after they came out of the molds. We didn’t get to see them pouring or polishing the pewter, but we did get a good idea of what they do to produce the pewter.
I asked some questions, and found out that this factory makes 300 pieces a day, and that they have around 2,400 different varieties of things they make there.
I took some video of the pewter factory, but for now, I’m only going to be able to post the pictures.

The heat from the flame melts down the metal.

These guys are making the molds to pour the melted metal into.

After they take the pewter out of the molds, they have to clean it off and then polish it.
I bought some little candle holders and a serving tray. The store is huge, and the prices are great.
Here are some pictures I snapped this morning in Tegucigalpa. More pics to come later, I hope.

Click a thumbnail to see a larger version.
Today I had a great meeting with Juan Carlos, a pastor in Honduras.
We talked about the need for youth leadership training in this country. We talked about the system of theological education here. We talked about what his church is doing in youth ministry, and we talked about some possible opportunities for the future. Tomorrow, I’m meeting with him again and with the pastor who is a leader in the regional association.
One thing is for sure. It’s hot in Honduras. It was really hot here today, but I had a great day. I feel like I got a lot accomplished. It’s been a fun trip so far. As a bonus, I got to eat at Wendy’s for lunch, which we don’t have in Mexico.
So, I’m having fun with a good friend of mine, getting work done, and eating good food. Not bad for a short trip.