For the third straight year I will be participating in the National Youth Leaders’ Summit in Mexico City from May 17-18. It’s an honor to be able to help plan and then teach at one of the largest gatherings of youth leaders in the country.

I’ll be teaching a “Super Course” on Friday of the event. I’m still not sure what the topic will be, but I’m leaning towards a theme that has to do with the Youth Leader’s Heart. I feel we need to know what God’s heart is, model it in our own lives, and then we will be able to minister more effectively to those who are around us.

I’m also working in the educational area of the Summit. In other words, I’m helping define the topics of the breakout sessions. We hope to have this finished by the end of this week.

One of my other focuses for the Summit is to be there to minister to those who attend. There are a lot of hurting youth leaders out there, and I believe an event like the Summit can provide someone to pray with them and talk with them.

I’m excited about the Summit. It’s going to be a great event.