I’m taking a course for my doctorate called “Applied Empirical Research,” and one of the textbooks is called “Statistics for People who Don’t Like Statistics.” I’m one of those people.
Specifically because every year at YMI for the past eight years, I’ve had to fill out a statistical report talking about the progress of the ministry. I always kick and scream, complain, and throw a fit (okay…not that much) because I hate having to go to every one of my students and graduates and ask them for numbers about their ministries. Maybe it’s their fault. Probably not.
Anyway, I’m glad YMI keeps the statistics, even if I hate getting them for the report.
But I was looking at the YMI statistics since 2009, and I wanted to share them here with you. I think they are very encouraging when I think of all of the people and lives these numbers represent.
Since 2009, YMI has ministered in:
22 Countries and 7500 churches.
We have trained 18,000 youth workers at a formal or informal level.
There are 500,000 youth involved in youth ministries where the youth worker has received some kind of YMI training.
In those churches, 300,000 young people have begun following Jesus as a result of the youth ministry in their local church.
These kinds of statistics are not an exact science, but they do tell a part of the story of YMI, and they encourage us to continue to expand the ministry and be faithful to preach a clear gospel boldly to those around us.