This past weekend was PULSO, the National Youth Leaders’ Summit hosted by “Especialidades Juveniles”, the Spanish branch of Youth Specialties, an organization dedicated to training youth workers (similar to Youth Ministry International).

Since we have the same vision, I participate in the team that organizes the event. This year, like last year, my job was to organize the break out sessions. There were 28 “workshops” during the two days. My job was to think up titles and take care of the logistics of that part of the event. It went well.

I also taught a 2 hour course at the event about my new book “Corre para Ganar.” The book is about Running to win in youth ministry and talks about 5 disciplines that each youth leader can develop in order to reach the goal of youth ministry. It went well, and I had a great time teaching it.

One of my favorite parts of the Summit was seeing Kareny and Karyna, 2 of our graduates leading their own workshops. Kareny, who graduated last year, was teaching about leading your group to serve your community. As I listened to her share, I had to step out of the room because God was allowing me to see the realization of a dream.

We are in Mexico to train others so they can train others. I was almost moved to tears when I realized that seeing our graduates teach is exactly what He has planned from the beginning. I am so impressed with their ability to lead a youth ministry and communicate timeless truths to the next generation. Not only that, but God has placed within them the desire to see other youth pastors and leaders raised up to lead the next generation.

I am very proud of all of our graduates, and I am excited to see how God uses them in the future.