So far, here are some tentative ministry travel opportunities this year (Click the date to read a preview of the trip):

  • May 5-7: Leadership Workshop in Guadalajara with the National Baptist Youth Union
  • June 2-17: Classes in Cuba
  • June 19-30: Seminary classes in Columbia, SC
  • July 22-29: International YMI Summit in Salzburg, Austria
  • August 4-6: Latin American Youth Specialties Youth Workers Convention in Guatemala
  • September 15-17: Leadership Workshop in Taumalipas with the National Baptist Youth Union
  • September 26-28: Latin Summit in Quito, Ecuador

This is a huge list of opportunities, all of which are extremely important. I’ll explain each one of them and their importance later. The important thing is that you begin praying for these opportunities. We really need to be present at each one of them, but we are waiting on God to tell us which ones are going to no longer be tentative.

The real issues are finances and timing. If we are able to raise enough funds to pay for all of these trips, we will work our schedules around them. That is how important they are to the ministry here in Latin America. If you want to contribute to the trips, please contact me.

I have purposely left off a few other opportunities because I see these as necessary. The others would just be beneficial, but they are not necessary. There is such a need to network and recruit here. Please pray for us as we need wisdom to manage our time given the many opportunities that there are.