Last December, I went to a Miami Dolphins game with my dad, and I teared up as they sang the National Anthem before the game. Spending the 4th of July in the United States means a lot to me, especially since I spend a lot of my time outside of the country. After almost 5 years of living in Mexico, my thoughts on freedom have changed dramatically.
We are truly blessed to be Americans. Although you may not agree with everything our country does or stands for, one thing is for sure: The United States of America is a country of great opportunity. Regardless of what you think about the reasons for it, the United States is a blessed country.
When I travel with my blue passport, I am reminded of the opportunities I have simply from being born in this country. I can travel freely to pretty much anywhere in the world. I know people who must receive permission from their country to visit another country. I can write (even here) exactly what I think about any issue. I can speak my mind (even against the very freedoms that allow me to do so). I can practice my religion freely, and the government cannot limit what I say about my personal beliefs.
So today, we celebrate freedom. As you see the stars and stripes, remember all of the freedoms that you have. And remember to cherish them. There are many who would love to have the freedoms we have.
(Image by Clappstar)