You can become so involved with simply "pastoring" that you forget your mission in life very quickly. Instead of really preparing people for the work of the ministry, we are prone to focus in on ourselves. For instance, at the average prayer meeting, how many are really praying for those who need their eyes opened? How many are really praying for the masses who so desperately need a Savior?

You know, the amazing thing is, the Apostle Paul never asks for his own personal welfare. He prays that the gospel may speed on in triumph. What was his mission? He said, "For me to live is Christ, to die is gain." Thus he says, "I am going to stay here so I can get the gospel out."

Our focus is so introspective. It does not take long, even in mission activity, believe it or not, to get introspective. Here, too, I stand as guilty as the next fellow. But we must be aware of it, and , by God's grace, keep our sense of mission ever before us.

— Dr. Philip Steyne

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