I celebrated my birthday on Wednesday. It was a good day. I went with some students to Starbucks (for a class), and they got me a cake. I spent a lot of the day working, and then at night, we went over to some missionary friends’ house for dinner.
Overall, it was a great day. Oh…and I got an iphone. It’s a 1st generation, but it was a great price. Basically, I’m going to be able to sell my old phone and make up most of the difference with that. I have such a great wife that would let me get it despite all the nagging I had been doing about wanting one.
The best gift I got for my birthday, though, was the card that Nathan made me. He painted Mickey Mouse on some construction paper, traced his hand print, and wrote the first three letters of his name. I loved it! He also cut out a heart and taped it onto the card. I love that kid.
Last night, we spent some time with Jon and Nicolle. It was Jon’s birthday on Wednesday, too, so we celebrated both of our birthdays last night, too.
I love October!
Happy birthday, my friend.