Last week in Havana, my friend Jeremy and I were walking home from our usual breakfast spot, Cafe Fortuna, when we walked past a very cool old pink convertible. A young man walked out and asked if we wanted to take a taxi ride around Havana in the car. We were leaving for the airport, soon, we explained, as we declined his invitation.
He asked how we had enjoyed our trip. We responded about how great the weather was compared to the snow back in Kentucky. I said, “We’d rather be here than there,” referring to the weather. He quickly responded, “I’d much rather be there than here. Snow, rain, whatever. There is better than here.”
Earlier this week I was reading about our heavenly citizenship and how we long for our true home. This story of the young man in Havana reminds me of my longing for God’s Kingdom. No matter how blessed we feel here; no matter what temporary pleasures we experience here on earth, “There is always better than here.” May we always remember the blessings of belonging to God’s true Kingdom and seek to introduce others to the King.