We had a great time at Bible study tonight for the students of Mexico City Christian Academy. The topic was “Humble Pie.” We had a pie eating contest (my first time making Jello), a game involving different figures of speech, and a really good discussion about the Biblical definition of humility. Some of the questions we answered were: Is there any truth to the statement: “Christianity is a crutch for weak people”? Is there anything wrong with admitting that we use our faith to help us make it in life? Is there such a thing as false humility? Are you proud if you acknowledge your abilities as an artist, musician, or athlete? Was Jesus humble even though He made outrageous claims about Himself? How can we really be humble? We used Romans 12:3 as a point of reference of how we ought to think of ourselves. It was a good time. We had some good fellowship after, too. Even if I (and everyone else) did get trounced at Playstation by a girl.