Series: Global Youth MinistryThis post is part of a series on Global Youth Ministry. Be sure to check out part 1 – Why Global Youth Ministry is Important, Part 2 – What’s a Global Youth Worker?, and Part 3 – Benefits of Being a Global Youth Worker.

Youth pastors have tons of things to do. Sometimes, when you look at your calendar, you think, “How could I possibly fit one more thing in here?” I remember that feeling. I just had it this morning.

But it doesn’t take much to be a global youth worker. Here are some practical things you can do to think globally as far as youth ministry is concerned.

  1. Pray specifically for missions. (Check out five times to pray for us and a great way to remember the world’s youth)
  2. Participate personally in missions (more than just with your group) – YMI is always looking for people who are interested in teaching courses in one of our seminary programs. You can contact us for more information.
  3. Teach your students about missions.
  4. Read biographies of missionaries and use them as examples in your teaching.
  5. Keep up to date with current missionaries by reading their blogs. (Check out for a list of missionary bloggers.
  6. Take short term mission trips with your group. (Interested in coming to Mexico? Contact us.)
  7. Learn about other cultures and expressions of Christianity.
  8. Develop relationships with international missionaries and youth workers.
  9. Give to missions – books, money, resources, etc.
  10. Minister to international students in your area.
  11. Donate your time and talents to missions. There are a lot of things you can do to help the cause of Christ overseas. Get on board with what you’re good at.

If you’re interested in training youth workers internationally, please contact me or leave a comment. Youth Ministry International is constantly looking for international trainers, and I’d love to talk to you more about the opportunities there are all over the world.