Halloween is becoming increasingly popular in this part of Mexico. Many things that are popular in the US are immitated here. It seems that halloween has been imported into Mexico City, and in our neighborhood, we have noted more decorations for halloween than for the more traditional “Day of the Dead.” Here are some observations on hallween in Mexico City:
- They don’t say “Trick or Treat”, they say, “Queremos halloween” (We want halloween). There is also a song that is sung that has something to do with our “little skull” being hungry and asking if there is candy around here.
- The kids do not really go to individual houses to trick or treat, they just walk up the street saying “We want halloween.” If a house shows interest, they go to that house and usually sing the song.
- Costumes are optional
- Most costumes are witches or evil related. There aren’t many Power Rangers or other kid related costumes
- Houses get decorated a lot with pumpkins and ghosts.
- Trick or Treating really picks up after 9 pm.
- Mostly, the kids are really pretty polite and say thank you.
- After halloween, Christmas begins (probably because they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving)
- The Christian church and Christians in general are adamantly opposed to Halloween here in Mexico.