Sometimes what it takes to grow something new is stepping back from what you are doing, but that is scary. We usually like what we’re doing, and that is why stepping away from it or giving it to someone else is difficult. That’s not always bad. If we don’t like it, we wouldn’t be doing it.

However, there are certain major changes in life that require leaving one thing and starting something else. Marriage is like that. When you get married, you leave certain things behind, and that is because you believe in what is ahead. Every beginning starts with an end. But the decision to end certain things is a difficult one.

Our family and ministry is in the process of growing into something new. We’re stepping back from the ministry in Mexico, leaving it in the hands of very capable leaders, and are looking forward to growing Youth Ministry International in the future.

Michael Hyatt is a strong believer in doing what only you can do (see this post), and I tend to agree. When there are other leaders that can do what you are doing, you do a disservice to them and the ministry by holding on too long.

Growth hurts, but it is necessary. It includes loss, but there is way too much to gain to hold on and stop growing.