Some things come with expectations…things like…

  • Having a baby
  • Graduation
  • Christmas
  • A special birthday
  • Vacation

All of those things are things we anticipate.

Remember the book, “What to Expect When You’re Expecting”? It’s all about those 40 weeks when mom and dad are waiting for the arrival of their little bundle of joy. It tells them how to prepare. It tells the things that will happen in the mom’s body. It tells them what they’ll be feeling. It tells them what they need to purchase. All of those things are important as they wait in anticipation for the baby’s arrival. Finally, that day comes, and the parents stare into their child’s face for the first time with a giant smile. It’s an exciting day!

What about the countdown to graduation? I’m thinking of many of the students I know who are in a season of graduations. They have been waiting for their graduation day for quite some time. They have worked hard for it. They’ve studied, written papers, taken exams, and many other things. Soon, they will walk across the stage and receive the degree for which they have worked so hard. It will be an exciting day!

Even the time leading up to vacation is a time of expectations. You book the travel and lodging well in advance, and then you count down the days until you can relax. You work like crazy to get everything done so things can function without you for a while, and then the day comes when you go on vacation! It’s exhilarating!

What about heading to church on Sunday? Are you expectant? Do you expect to be in the presence of God with His people? Do you expect for His Spirit to teach you something through the preaching of His Word? Do you expect Him to show up and change your life?

I pray that I will be preparing for Sunday each day of the week, using the moments in my life to hear what God is teaching me so that Sunday when I arrive at the worship gathering with my church family I will recognize His presence and be ready to hear His Word.

Do you show up on Sunday with great expectations? What is it that you expect?

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