Before I left for Havana, I was searching my house for some reading material to take with me on the trip. That’s not so much of a problem because I have subscriptions to magazines that I get sent to the address in Florida even when I’m in Mexico. So, there’s always a stack of magazines sitting around waiting to be read while we’re in the USA.
So, I picked up a random Group Magazine to take with me. It wasn’t until about halfway through my trip that I decided to open the issue and look at the table of contents. I noticed the name of Russ Cline, a friend of mine who lives in Ecuador. So I turned to his column, which was debuting in that issue. It was on Youth Ministry Heroes. It’s a column where he will profile different youth workers around the world.
As I read the name of the person he was profiling and looked at the picture, I realized it was one of the students involved in the very program that I was teaching at the time. I immediately felt the goosebumps on my skin as God was once again confirming what we are doing in Latin America.