Two weeks ago, Dr. Jeff Iorg, the president of Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary visited our Seminary here in Mexico for our 110th anniversary. We also had some meetings to see how the two Seminaries can work together. He wrote a few things about his visit to Mexico on his blog.
One impression from the trip was how much they are accomplishing with limited resources. While we sometimes complain about lack of resources – money and people – at Golden Gate, we work in relative opulence compared to our Mexican brothers. Yet, in public comments and private conversations, not one complaint was heard! They are more interested in building for the future than lamenting what they may not have in the present. While we are going to do all we can to help build their work, my hunch is we will receive far more than we may give. Their passion is palpable and contagious.
While our five campuses are all in urban centers, Mexico City redefined the concept of urban for me. It is huge, complex, beautiful, intimidating, and packed with more cars than you can imagine. It seemed every person owns two cars – and found a way for both of them to on the road at the same time (while he or she rode the bus!). About 22 million people crowd the metropolitan area, creating a rich urban learning center. If a person is serious about reaching people in the great cities around the world, Mexico City is an excellent immersion and training possibility.
It was fun to spend time with Dr. Iorg and hear him share both at the Seminary and in a local church on Sunday. I’m looking forward to seeing how the two Seminaries can work together in the future.