I preached in chapel last week, and I used the guys in the picture as my illustrations. Do you know them? The guys in the picture are Wario and Winnie the Pooh. You probably know Pooh. He has an insatiable love for honey. He regularly gets stuck in Rabbit’s window because he goes after honey with his whole heart.

Wario, on the other hand, is a villain from Mario Brothers. If you know our family, you know we love Super Mario Brothers. Wario has a great desire to get as many gold coins as he can. He runs around with a bag of gold coins and collects more and more. Keep reading to find out what they have to do with my sermon…

Because I’ve been meditating on Psalm 19, I felt that I was supposed to preach about it. I preached about the importance of the Word of God in our lives. Here are my notes in Spanish.

If you don’t read Spanish, basically I preached about the effects of the Word of God in our lives:

  • Revives the soul
  • Makes wise the simple
  • Rejoices the heart
  • Enlightens the eyes
  • Endures forever
  • Is righteous altogether

Each of these things is important for every believer, and especially for the Seminary students who are coming to study this year in Mexico City. Here were my thoughts and exhortations to them:

  • The Word of God is the only thing that can convert the soul. There is nothing else. It is the power of God to salvation (Romans 1:16)
  • God’s Word makes simple people wise. Many of us don’t feel qualified for ministry, and we’re not! Only the study of God’s Word will make us wise and empower us to do His work.
  • God’s Word rejoices the heart. When there are things that get us down, if we look to the Word of God, we can be revived in our hearts.
  • God’s Word enlightens the eyes. When we don’t know what the future holds, the Word of God will give direction. It is the lamp for our feet and the light to our path.
  • God’s Word endures forever. It leads us for eternity. It is invaluable because of its enduring qualities.
  • God’s Word is righteous altogether. It will lead us into all righteousness. Always.

We must have a high view of God’s Word. It is precious to us. It should be more desirable than gold and sweeter to us than honey. It must be more important to us than gold is to Wario and than honey is to Winnie the Pooh.