Yesterday the latest edition of “Lider Juvenil“, the Spanish Youth Specialties magazine, came out.
I wrote an article for it called, “Flying Cars and Youth Ministry.” In it, I talk about how it is a little dangerous to predict the future of anything. Just look at the Jetsons (and Back to the Future). I don’t know about you, but I’m a little disappointed that I’m not driving a flying car that packs up into a briefcase.
I also talk about some transitions that I either see happening or think need to happen in youth ministry, specifically in the Latin American context. They might even apply to other contexts.

Here are the transitions that I think will take place:
- From meeting in the church to be taught to going out from the church building to live that teaching.
- From creating evangelistic events to being evangelists.
- From teaching discipleship courses to forming disciples.
- From opening our mouths to opening our ears.
- From youth “leaders” to youth “pastors”.
Who knows. my predictions might just be a lot of hot air. In 30 years I hope that we have made some changes in the way we do youth ministry. I’m hoping to be part of that change. But you never know.
Anyway, the article in the magazine is part of one of my goals to write more, especially in Spanish. There’s a real need for good Spanish youth ministry resources.