When we moved into our new house, Nathan was so excited because he had a friend to play with at the Seminary. But when we returned to Mexico this past summer, we found out that his friend’s family was moving. So we prayed (and asked some of our friends to pray) that God would send him some friends to play with at the Seminary.

This week we were counting the number of kids there are at the Seminary and we realized that God hadn’t just answered our prayers, He has given us exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask (see Ephesians 3:20).

There are 17 kids at the Seminary. Our kids don’t just have one friend. They have many friends. Their time is spent outside on the playground with a bunch of friends. I love how God answers our prayers.

So what about you? Do you have a story about when God has done exceedingly abundant above what you have asked? We’d love to hear it.