Today, I gave the first mid-term exam I will give this quarter. It was in Principles of Youth Ministry, and the students did really well. The average grade was 92%. Not too shabby. These first year students are pretty good students. Of course, this course is one of the easier ones we teach. I think my tests are good indicators of their progress, but they also have a big final project (a paper). Hopefully, they won’t procrastinate on it.
My other class has an exam scheduled for Tuesday. It’s harder to evaluate that class because the content is more concept driven for the purpose of understanding. It’s not a facts and figures, principles kind of class. It’s more a conceptual, difficult to understand class. Plus, there’s always the fact that this weekend is a holiday, and there are many activities planned at the churches where the students work. Anyway, I’ll let you know how their exam goes next Tuesday.