There was another election protest in downtown Mexico City today. According to this AP article, the organizers say there were 2 million supporters of Lopez Obrador who marched down Reforma to the Zocalo. Then, he asked his supporters to turn the protest into a sit-in downtown, which will probably create a ton of problems in this already overcrowded city.
I think the quote of the article is this:
If the road to democracy is closed off, than all that’s left is submission or violence. -AMLO
I vote for submission, not violence. Please keep praying for this situation that may get out of hand. Luckily, where we live is a good distance from downtown. We are nowhere near the protests. On my way to church today, I did see one person this morning waiting for a bus dressed in yellow. I assume they were going to the protest downtown. Anyway, this is far from over.
Photo: Gato Azul on
I’ve heard that stuff has been happening down there… but the US media is focusing on the war in Isreal more than the presidental elections in Mexico… where is this protest happening? I will be flying into the DF on monday and touring for a few days before i leave for xalapa… any tips on where to avoid or any sites that i should see?
Crazy protesters… don’t they know that I want to take my mom downtown to see everything?!?! Reforma is where all the touristy things are- couldn’t they have found another street- Las Palmas- or Revolucion… something less important!! However, I guess that is why they chose it! Have you all been down there??