We had Easter dinner on Saturday this year with some of our missionary friends. We went to their house, and the kids played with their kids. Then we all came back to our house (4 families with 14 kids) to hunt for Easter eggs at the Seminary. We may not have a big back yard, but having a Seminary out back makes for some great hiding spots for eggs.
After they hunted eggs, we dyed our own eggs out back in our back yard. The weather was great, and we had a great day. Check out our Easter pictures on Flickr.

Tonight, as I was reflecting on Easter, I wrote this,
“I wonder what the disciples were doing the night after Jesus was crucified. They didn’t know what to expect on Sunday. They weren’t preparing for a “sunrise service.” Little did they know that what would take place the next morning would change history forever.”
Sometimes it seems easy for us to look from this side of the story backwards to see Jesus and His resurrection. But imagine what the disciples were going through at this hour (I’m writing this on Sunday at midnight). They had no idea that tomorrow would change the course of human history. They couldn’t imagine the next few months. Right now, they were probably deep in despair. I wonder how many people we know are in that same pit, wondering if their life would ever make sense again. Then Jesus rises from the dead and things change. A new life begins.
The resurrection changes everything. It brings new life. The Easter egg comes from a (pagan) tradition of giving eggs to represent new life. As you paint and hunt for eggs, remember the new life that Jesus gives us, and look to spread that message of new life to those around you.