Well, it looks like I am going to Mexico in July. I’ve got the tickets booked, and it’s going to be a great trip. Everyone I talked to confirmed that I should go because of the opportunities that it presents for our future ministry there. Randy and I will have a great opportunity to get to know many pastors in Mexico while we are there. Please be praying for the trip. The dates are July 21-28. Oh, by the way, praise God that the paperwork problems we were having are better now. We have most of the paperwork that we will need to get our visas! Plus I got my second booster shot for my immunizations. It all seems to be coming together.
I was praying this morning for our friends who are missionaries all over the world, and having heard from them all fairly recently, I noticed that they are all facing many struggles as they seek to do God’s work. We know that we will face struggles during this journey, and we desparately NEED people to be praying for us. Please continue to hold us up in your prayers. Nothing of eternal significance is ever accomplished without prayer.