I haven't really posted much about this because I have been really busy, but the reason we are in the USA for these six weeks is because I took a trip to China for 10 days. It was a 14-15 hour flight, the longest one I have ever been on. The trip was great, and I had a blast.
I stayed in a city called Wenzhou, which is on the southern coast. I had fun experiencing a new culture and making new friends. Here are some pictures from my trip.
There is so much history in China. For example, the tower in the picture above is more than 1000 years old. It is an interesting contrast to the modern globalization that is evident as well. I ate in pizza hit and KFC while there, and I also had lunch in a restaurant that was almost 100 years old. Can you tell that one of my favorite parts of visiting other cultures is getting to know their cuisine?
You are blessed to be able to serve the Lord in other countries.
I am proud to be your mom.
When, I dedicated you to the Lord…I didn’t know where God was
going to lead you.
Love you..and your family!