This quarter at the Seminary I’m teaching a class called, “Contemporary Youth Missions.” Each of my students is planning a mission trip to a different country.
As part of their project, each student has to give a presentation about the country to which they are planning their trip. Yesterday we heard about Ecuador and Bolivia.
The picture above is a little doll that is typical to Bolivia. Bolivia is a small country in South America that has a population of about 10 million people. It is an incredibly beautiful country with a lot of needs. The student who is doing the research on Bolivia quoted one young person as saying,
“The problems that our youth face are many, among the principle problems are: excessive academic mediocrity (only about 68% finish elementary school), pessimism, conformism, low self-esteem that really makes it hard for our country to advance and achieve positive change for the future.
There is also the huge problem of excessive consumption of alcohol, the growing use of drugs like marihuana and cocaine, which really turn off brilliant minds and destroy lives. Of course, poverty is also a big obstacle for a good portion of our young people.”
Please join us and our students as we pray for Bolivia.
While you’re at it, please pray for the Bolivian youth ministry students who are studying with our friends in Cuba. They will have a key role in reaching the Bolivian youth culture and raising up a generation of youth leaders who will impact the nation of Bolivia.