017 – Working With Your Local Church with Paul Turner

Parents and the church should work together to disciple kids. Paul Turner gives some insight into how to improve your relationship with your youth workers. 

CONNECT WITH PAUL: http://www.thediscipleproject.net 

Listen to the Podcast below or on Anchor.fm    



You can also find the podcast on any of your favorite podcast players. Just search for Dennis Poulette.

If you prefer to watch, here’s the YouTube link: How Christian Parents Can Work With the Local Church Youth Ministry with Paul Turner 


Advent Reading Calendar 2020

Advent, the period before Christmas where Christians remember the waiting and anticipation for the coming of the Savior, is a great time for you to begin family devotions at home. 

Many believers look for special readings and devotions to prepare their hearts to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Your family can celebrate together by spending a few moments each day reading and discussing a portion of Scripture. 

There are many reasons to have family worship at home. It is a great way to lead your family well and help your kids see the beauty of the Scripture as well as give you an opportunity to create lifelong habits and important teachable moments in the lives of your kids. 

As I was thinking about leading my family well in Advent season, I began thinking what it would look like to read the entire Christmas story as well as some of the backstory with my family. Then I decided to share with you what I was thinking.

So I put together this printable Advent Reading Calendar for Families.

Some of the readings are short. Others are long. Most of them are (hopefully) just right.

It begins with prophecy to show how God’s people had been waiting for the promised Messiah and then goes through the traditional Christmas readings. The calendar ends with John 3 and praise for what God has done for His people. 

I hope it helps your family, kick starts family worship time, and/or just makes it easier for you to lead your kids to worship Jesus during this month.   

FREE Printable Advent Reading Calendar

Spend a few minutes each night in December leading up to Christmas understanding from Scripture what Christmas is all about.

Leading in Thanksgiving

We’re at the beginning of Thanksgiving week, and we’re all ready for the turkey, pie, and celebration. 

As I was thinking about the holiday, I started wondering how well I’m doing on raising my kids and leading my family to be grateful. We all know kids are not born oozing thankfulness. None of us are. It’s actually, I believe, something we can get better at as we age (although not all of us do). 

According to dictionary.com, thankfulness is “feeling or expressing gratitude; appreciative.” (Not very profound, I know)

I’ve said before that many of the most important behaviors and attitudes have to be modeled before they are passed on to the next generation. I believe that to be true for gratefulness. My kids have to see me model a thankful attitude and hear me express it before they will fully understand what it is. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to “Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” It’s not easy, especially when circumstances include a global pandemic, economic instability, and so much uncertainty. But it is a command.

I know if I want to train my kids in gratitude they must see me as a grateful, thankful person. They have to see my contentment with what I have. They need to observe my joy in the Lord and trust that He is in control and He is good. 

Those who are around you (your family or friends) need to see you model this as well. It’s the only way we will see Thanksgiving be more than just one more day on the calendar. 

How are you modeling gratitude on a regular basis to those around you? I hope you’ll spend some time this week pondering that question and acting on it.

Three Things You Should Teach Your Kids About the Bible

If you’re not following me on Instagram, what are you waiting for? Okay…I’m kidding (sort of), but really, you should follow me over there for a lot of “micro-content.”

Here’s one quick post I created over there to remind parents about three things we all need to be teaching our kids about the Bible.

They’re pretty good reminders for us as well (as are almost all things we’re supposed to teach our kids).

In case you didn’t want to watch the 15 second video, here’s basically what I say in it:

  1. The Bible is inspired by God.
  2. The Bible will transform us into who we are to be.
  3. The Bible will equip us to do the work we are called to do.

If you’re kids understand that God gave us the Bible to transform and mold us into who we are supposed to be and then to equip us to do what we are called to do, then the Bible will become more than just an ancient book but will be transformed into the powerful manual for life that it was meant to be.

How are you helping your kids understand these three things about the Bible?

Leading Kids to Live by Faith with Joshua Verwers

How can we pass on faith to our teenagers?

One of our main goals as parents (and commands by God) is to bring our children up in the training and instruction of the Lord. 

In this episode of my Podcast, I talk with Joshua Verwers, a friend of mine and fellow pastor.

He gives practical advice on how to keep older kids engaged in understanding what God has for them.

You can get in touch with Joshua at: Joshuaverwers.com or check out his YouTube channel.

You can also find the podcast on any of your favorite podcast players. Just search for Dennis Poulette.

If you prefer to watch, here’s the YouTube link: Leading Kids to Live by Faith with Joshua Verwers