I just woke up to this email that I received as a reply to the latest post on ministeriojuvenil.com. I had posted an overview of what I taught in Miami this past weekend about how the incarnation of Jesus gives us a blueprint for being relevant in the lives of young people. The message said,
“Good evening. God bless you. I wanted to tell you that your message was very necessary. It helped me a lot. It made me reflect on the fact that I need to be patient and, just as we are rescued young people there are other youth that need to be reached and rescued! And I learned that we must enter the world of youth and not expect them to enter our world!
Thank you very much. I would like to receive more emails like this one! To help the youth of Aruba!
God bless you!”
These emails are fun to receive. Please pray that we can continue to find the time to write to these youth workers who need encouragement and support.