In case you missed it, after France beat Brazil today in the World Cup, there are only four teams left: France, Portugal, Germany, and Italy. I’m glad it’s almost over. I sure have been watching too much soccer lately. I can’t believe Brazil lost. I think Germany is going to take the cup. They have the crowd advantage, and they seem to be the strongest team left. What do you think?
And then there were four
- The Poulette Family » Fourth of July - [...] We also watched the launch of the space shuttle online, played some Farkle, and then we caught the end…
Well, after missing most of the last two nights of sleep to watch the quarter finals I have seen three out four of my picks disappear. (Argentina, Brazil & England) Now I and many of my friends here in Singapore are agreeing with you that Germany will have the best chance of winning it all. Of course Portugal has the underdog position; one of the world’s best coaches; and they play with a lot of “passion” (read “roughness”). They could still pull it off…
Yeah, Portugal would be a good winner since they’re the only team left who’s never won it.