In Columbia, each day (population – 43,593,035; 30% of which is under 14):
1,106 teens have an abortion.
1,035 bring weapons to school.
In Mexico, the number one cause of death in young people is alcohol.
80% of suicides are committed by young men under the age of 25.
In the US, a study of 5,000 university students from 32 different institutions shows that 25% of the young women have been raped or forced into sex.
In Mexico, more than 400,000 teen abortions are committed each year. 80% of the teenage girls who are pregnant drop out.
85 teens are put into jail each day in Mexico.
In 2002, thirty-one thousand teens (ages 11-17) were put into juvenile treatment centers (Mexico). When they committed the crime, 23% of them were in 9th grade; 18% were in 6th grade; 13% were in 7th grade; and 16% were in 8th grade.
(Source: Adolescentes en Llamas by Dr. Sergio Canavati; Esperanza para la familia)