As a Dad, there are lots of things that Nathan does that I hope to remember forever. Then there are some things that I know I’ll never forget. One of those things happened last Saturday morning, and it was better than any Father’s Day gift I could have gotten.

Friday night, I flew to Miami after 12 days out of the country. Saturday morning, I arrived just in time for the beginning of Nathan’s first t-ball practice. I walked up to the field from the car, and our eyes met. He came running around the corner and across the bridge that leads to the field. When he got to me, I could see him holding back tears. He was so happy to see me, and it felt so good to hug my little boy.

I’ll never forget his little face in that moment. I hope that he’s always that happy to see me after I’ve been away for awhile. Regardless of how great the trip is, the best part about going on any trip is coming home and seeing my family again.