A long time ago I wrote a post over on ministeriojuvenil.com about how to start off in youth ministry. It has been viewed almost 2,000 times in the last year. I’d like to believe that it has impacted over 1,500 youth leaders who are looking for ways to start out in youth ministry. I’m not sure.
However, I received a comment on that post recently from a reader. It said the following:
“Thanks again, Dennis. I am currently working on building a youth ministry and the truth is that I needed some basic advice like this to begin.
Keep on going. Don’t stop. There are thousands of youth leaders who need you.”
I have been trying to build that Spanish youth ministry website for a while now, and I believe we are seeing something great happen as we publish resources for youth workers in the Spanish speaking world. But it’s not always easy.
I sit down (usually at 10 pm) at night to write something that might be useful to someone’s ministry, and sometimes it’s difficult to come up with something. When I first began, I was worried about Spanish grammar and how to say what I wanted to say.
But the comments like the one above make me keep on keeping on. They make me not want to stop because of the thought that what I write one night might impact someone for a really long time.
I write this basically to encourage you to think about the things that are sometimes difficult for you. Maybe they are the things that are making more of an impact than you think. Keep on keeping on. You never know what kind of an impact you are having.
What are you doing that might be having an unseen impact?