Yesterday was a busy day! August 27, 2003, we packed up our 7 suitcases and moved to Mexico to begin training youth workers in Latin America. 8 Years have passed so fast! A lot has happened since then–our family has grown and our ministry has seen some great things happen. We also have a lot more stuff.
Yesterday was also the end of the first certificate course of the year. We had the students at the house for lunch. It was also the opening service for the Seminary’s school year. We are looking forward to classes being in session again. It’s been a while since Dennis has taught, and he’s ready to get back into the classroom.
Here’s a quick picture from the service yesterday. The pastor of First Baptist Church of Satelite preached about stepping out of your comfort zone and making history. That is exactly what God called us to do 8 years ago, and it is what He keeps calling us to do today.
