April Fools Day in Mexico

April Fools Day in Mexico

I was explaining the idea of April fool’s day to my students in class today, and they told me about Mexican April Fool’s Day, which falls on December 28, and is called “Día de los Inocentes” or “Día de los Santos Inocentes.” The name means Day of the Innocent Ones or Day of the Innocent Saints.

On this day in Mexico (December 28), you are not to lend anyone money because they will just take it, and you are considered the fool. They also play pranks on each other like Americans do on April 1. Also, the newspapers and media outlets publish stories that are not true, just like the do in the United States.

If someone falls for your prank on The Day of Innocent Ones, you sing the following song, “Inocente palomita que te dejaste engañar, porque sabes que en este día, a nadie debes confiar.

The translation is, “You let them fool you, you innocent dove. You know that today you shouldn’t trust anyone.”

VIDEO: Transported

VIDEO: Transported

Visiting Cuba makes you feel like you have been transported to another time and place. Transportation there can be any number of things, from the back of a dump truck to a horse and buggy.

The buildings, images, sounds, and smells take you to another place. I hope this video transports you there.

I was in Havana, Matanzas, Santa Clara, Placetas, and Cienfuegos while there. I saw pretty much every type of transportation you can imagine. I even saw a goat pulling a kids cart. It was cute.

Anyway, I hope you can be transported to a different place with this video.