019 – Leading Kids with Special Needs with Kevin Kolbe

Kevin Kolbe and his wife have the privilege of being parents to Elias, also known as “Little Dude.” Elias was born with some very challenging health issues, and in this episode of the Podcast, Kevin shares a lot about their journey and how they have adapted, how God has been involved in the entire process, and gives a lot of encouragement and insight both for parents of special needs kids and other families who know someone with special needs. I know you’ll enjoy hearing Kevin’s insight.

      Listen to the Podcast below or on Anchor.fm. 


        You can also find the podcast on any of your favorite podcast players. Just search for Dennis Poulette.


        018 – Leading Kids to Navigate Mental Health with Brett Ullman

        Mental Health is an important topic, especially when it comes to teenagers. In this episode we talk about how to help kids with mental health.

        Listen to the Podcast below or on Anchor.fm


        You can also find the podcast on any of your favorite podcast players. Just search for Dennis Poulette.

        If you prefer to watch, here’s the YouTube link: Helping Kids Navigate Mental Health with Brett Ullman


        017 – Working With Your Local Church with Paul Turner

        Parents and the church should work together to disciple kids. Paul Turner gives some insight into how to improve your relationship with your youth workers. 

        CONNECT WITH PAUL: http://www.thediscipleproject.net 

        Listen to the Podcast below or on Anchor.fm    



        You can also find the podcast on any of your favorite podcast players. Just search for Dennis Poulette.

        If you prefer to watch, here’s the YouTube link: How Christian Parents Can Work With the Local Church Youth Ministry with Paul Turner 


        Leading Kids to Live by Faith with Joshua Verwers

        How can we pass on faith to our teenagers?

        One of our main goals as parents (and commands by God) is to bring our children up in the training and instruction of the Lord. 

        In this episode of my Podcast, I talk with Joshua Verwers, a friend of mine and fellow pastor.

        He gives practical advice on how to keep older kids engaged in understanding what God has for them.

        You can get in touch with Joshua at: Joshuaverwers.com or check out his YouTube channel.

        You can also find the podcast on any of your favorite podcast players. Just search for Dennis Poulette.

        If you prefer to watch, here’s the YouTube link: Leading Kids to Live by Faith with Joshua Verwers

        013: Preparing Kids for College with Chris Shepperd

        In this Podcast Episode, Chris Shepperd, College Pastor at Brazos Fellowship in Texas, gives tips and advice for Christian parents to prepare their high school children for college as well as what it takes to succeed as a freshman in college. 

        Listen below or by clicking here.

        You can also find the podcast on any of your favorite podcast players. Just search for Dennis Poulette.

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