A Big Thank You

We got two emails back-to-back today. One was from a church group who had sent us a special financial gift, and the other was from some old friends who have begun to regularly support our family and ministry.

It’s always great to get those kinds of emails. We appreciate everyone who prays and gives so that we can be here in Mexico doing what we feel God has for us to do. A big thank you to all of you.

If you’re interested in supporting us, click here.

An unexpected visitor

An unexpected visitor

This afternoon I was sitting in the living room of my house, and the next thing I know, there’s a bird flying in and perching on our couch. We don’t own a pet bird.

I don’t like birds or any other wild animals. I jump if I see a lizard in the house. Imagine my reaction when I saw a bird. I didn’t know what to do. I froze. I knew I had to get him out of the house, but I already told you I don’t like birds.

Well, he flew straight for the window. But the window was closed. He got caught between the vertical blinds, the curtain, and the huge floor to ceiling window. He was trapped. And he had the poop scared out of him, literally.

I opened the front door, but by now he was hiding under the entertainment center. So, I got a tennis ball and rolled it under there to shoo him out of his hiding spot. He flew up to a candle holder we have above our fireplace. That’s when I went after him.

I tried to get him to move with the broom, and luckily, he flew out the door instead of at my head. Whew! These are the things I do when Janell is away.

(photo by: monkeyc.net)

Remembering Jerry Falwell

Remembering Jerry Falwell

Today is the 2nd anniversary of the death of Jerry Falwell. I can’t believe it’s already been 2 years.

As a Liberty graduate, I remember listening to Dr. Falwell in chapel. I remember hearing so much about how he founded Thomas Road Baptist Church. I probably took for granted that I heard him preach and speak so much.

I know there are a lot of people who didn’t like him. I didn’t agree with everything he did, but I sure do know that he had an impact on me and many other people. I feel privileged to have been able to meet the man and have many fond memories of him.

Some of the things I remember the most are:

  • Every year would start with Jerry’s “vision” sermon from Nehemiah.
  • Jerry was constantly talking about “raising up young champions for Christ.”
  • He was up at 5:45 every morning to study and spend time with God, and he would frequently tell us about what he had read that morning to encourage us to spend time with God daily.
  • He built Thomas Road Baptist Church and Liberty University through prayer and hard work.
  • Jerry was “one of us” when he crowd surfed at basketball games.
  • He would drive around in his big black suburban and ride up on the sidewalk acting like a kid.

Jonathan Falwell has a video up on his site remembering his dad. Check it out here.

(image by: taberandrew on flickr)

Me and Larry King

Me and Larry King

Monday afternoon I was playing on the beach with Nathan in Huatulco, Oaxaca, when Janell came running up to me with my cell phone. She was talking with Randy Smith of Youth Ministry International. I took the phone, and Randy told me that the Larry King show had contacted him and wanted to put me on their show that evening (here’s his blog post about the show).

A little later, I was on the phone with one of the producers of the show. She had seen that we had blogged about Swine Flu in Mexico City and was wondering what our experience had been (she had left a comment here on the blog, but I wasn’t checking while on vacation). I told her the basic story, and she said that Larry King would like to interview me about it later that evening. Everything was set up. I was going to be on Larry King.

She asked me to send in some pictures of what we had observed in the airport with the Swine Flu as well as a photo of me. So I did. She called back and said that they would be calling me around 8:05 pm Central Time to do the interview. So I sent out a few tweets and sent emails to our family and friends.

Then, I got another voicemail. It turns out that the show decided to cancel the part of interviewing me. Nancy was super nice throughout the whole process. I imagine that she has to cancel on people all the time. I have to admit I was a little disappointed.

But, at least I have a good story to tell about the day Larry King contacted me!

What’s More Dangerous?

In this article about the Swine Flu, many people say that the hysteria over the flu is more dangerous than the flu itself. I’ve wondered the same thing.

I’ve read some opinions that the Mexican government created the hysteria so that people wouldn’t focus on the bad economy. I wonder why they would do that if Mexico City stands to lose something like 85 million dollars a day because of the Swine Flu.

I’ve also heard people say, “What’s the big deal about 19 deaths due to the flu when thousands die each year from seasonal flu?” Good question. I guess it’s because it’s a new strain that we weren’t sure if we could treat appropriately. It’s also expanding around the world.

Then I think about the World Health Organization. Aren’t they the ones who decide if something is a pandemic or not? If so, they must know something I don’t know or they are way off on this one.

Anyway, contemplating this while sitting in my house in Mexico City gives me something to do while I wait for the decisions from the government about schools and businesses opening this week.

Ben’s Doctor, Hope, and President Obama

Yesterday, we took Benjamin to the doctor for his usual checkup. While we were there, the conversation turned interesting.

The doctor asked us about President Obama, the stock market, and the global economy. He asked what was going on with Obama. I replied, “I think a lot of people put their hope in him and are not seeing the results they had hoped for.” I was trying to not get into the politics of the conversation and tried to give a simple answer. I said that I didn’t see an easy answer to the economic problems. He responded, “Oh, no. Don’t tell me that.” I had to respond with something, so I said the first thing that comes to my mind.

I said, “But it’s a good thing we don’t put our hope in a President, we put our hope in God.” I left it at that. He understood what I said, and I’m hoping someday to be able to continue the conversation with him.

It was a little glimpse of testimony and confidence in something other than the President of the United States or in the rebounding of the economy. My God is bigger than both of those things, and He is in control.

By the way, Ben is healthy. He weighs 23 pounds and is 28 inches long. He got some shots, but he’s fine.