One of the great things about living in another country is that we get to eat authentic Mexican food anytime we want. In fact, it’s something you miss when you go back to your homeland for a while.

It’s always great to get back to enjoying some great Mexican food. We love our favorite Mexican foods and have written about them before.

But I got to thinking about some Mexican foods to avoid, so I created a list of five foods to avoid in Mexico.

  1. Pancita – cow belly. Sometimes the word “delicious” is used to describe it. I’m not sure you can use the word delicious to describe the taste of stomach.
  2. Mole – a mixture of hundreds of ingredients (there are different kinds of mole…I think I might like some of them, but most of the time, I don’t like it.)
  3. Sesos – Brains that also come in tacos. I wonder if eating them makes you smarter?
  4. Tacos de cabeza – Head tacos, with that great “head smell”.
  5. Machito – lungs, heart, etc, of a baby goat

I know that these dishes probably taste pretty good to some people, but if you’re just visiting Mexico and have a short time here, you might want to avoid them so you can enjoy your visit.

Oh, and don’t look for them on taco bell’s menu anytime soon.

(image by: Boeke on flickr)